Salvager Dali

"Freecycle" as a verb has reportedly been in use since

1987. See

It says:

freecycle (v.) - Neologism Profile

Word freecycle

Part of Speech v.

Etymology [< free & recycle.] Used on KSAZ-TV (US/AZ)

January 2005. Common usage in Toronto, Canada by 1987.

Possibly coined by 'Salvager Dali' (David Hoekstra) of

Toronto who was known for his streetside and

theatrical salvage work. Hoekstra built and maintained

a literal warehouse of 'freecycled' items that were

used mainly as props for theatrical, television and

movie production.

Definition To give items away to others rather than

throw them away, typically using an online network to

coordinate the transfer.

Submitted By Jeffrey Henning

Date Submitted Sunday, January 09, 2005

Updated By Michael Farnsworth

Date Edited Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Description Of Update Heard it being used in 1987 and

since then personally.

Date To Headline Monday, August 29, 2005